Let's work with Spirit together
“The One never tells us we have to do something, It helps us see how to make choices which move us forward, even if we only take one baby step at a time.”
6 Week Zoom Workshop -
Opening Our Hearts to
Being Love
2 Hour Zoom Workshop
$300 for 6 Week Workshop
Starting 09/16/24
This Workshop encourages us to listen to our hearts as the ‘I AM’ keeps reminding us and to live in joy and peace by making conscious choices of what works best for us as well as for the whole of our lives.
This is an interactive group with a limit of 15 people in each Workshop. Each week's session is two hours.

Offered on the second and fourth Sundays of each month
2 - 4 p.m. (Mountain Time)
$25 - session
Norma allows herself to be used as a
Trance Channel for the 'I AM'
The 'I AM' presents a general message,
then It allows individuals to ask personal questions as well.
After the Trance Channel,
we participate in a
Spiritual Discussion Group for the remaining time.

Intuitive Counseling / Reading
30 min $75
1 Hour $140
As an Intuitive Counselor, Norma helps you see where emotional patterns have begun in your life, and how to alter the influence of others to heal and create your own healthy belief system. She also helps you see your strengths and the process you can create to have a more satisfying and rewarding life experience.
Norma can assist you to understand the patterns of other lifetimes, and how they affect you today.
She also helps you examine your 'soul's purpose' and how to create abundance in Love, prosperity, health and true happiness.

Regression / Release Sessions
$200 for 1.5 hours (90 min)
to Release limitations from other lives or this one
Through Hypnotherapy and Relaxation Techniques, Norma helps you access your inner knowledge to see where phobias, addictive behaviors, relationship issues, fear and restrictions of any kind have become realities of thoughts, beliefs and actions. She assists you to forgive yourself, others, even Source when necessary...and release conditions which limit your success in work, abundance, life, health, and Love.

30 Minutes and Up – Starts at $75
Norma communicates directly with your pets or other animals to help you understand what they are needing or wanting from you. She helps you see and appreciate their intelligent...sometimes humorous,,, often wise...personalities. Let them guide you into being more connected to the lifeforces in our world, and especially the needs of healing and conserving our resources.

$30 for 30 min​
Many of you have asked Norma for a meditation to increase confidence; release fears and pain from loss; increase your sense of being Loved and accepting your self-worth; and forgiving yourself and others.
This Meditation guides you to a place of peace through Love and helps you to accept the Whole that you are in the Oneness with the 'I AM'.

Norma helps companies examine their focus to determine if that focus fits their current direction. She also assists owners and upper management to look at personal and business goals so individual needs can be met.
She interviews with middle management and/or support personnel to help ascertain what's working and what needs to be altered, plus assists in building a team energy.
Norma creates or clarifies job descriptions, then interviews and recommends candidates for open positions.
When downsizing and other changes are necessary, she helps employees reduce apprehension and concerns.
A retainer basis is available to maximum efficiency and benefits for management. Policies and Procedures manuals are also updated or created on an individual need basis.

This Workshop is designed for everyone to understand and further develop their spiritual connections with The One. A relaxation segment at the beginning opens us to see ourselves as part of the Whole, which is Love. Another one at the end helps us to release conditions we have accepted as realities and to accept ourselves as Divine beings in human expression.
Different practices in using spiritual tools to develop intuition, accepting healing energies and apply spiritual practices in everyday life allows each person to develop their gifts from Spirit to use in whatever ways they want.
This workshop is interactive, with each person having the ability to share their concerns, goals and dreams; be with others who have similar goals and experiences, who are creating opportunities for growth and manifesting lives they really want to live; and learning how to live Love for self as well as others.
We create “mirrors” to experience various opportunities in life, and we attract people who mirror something we are going through now, have gone through in past, or will go through in our lives.
These people may be catalysts for us to look at family or lover relationships; conditions in our work or social life; beliefs, attitudes, prejudices; and judgments in different ways.
In group settings, we learn to see not only the differences in ourselves and others, we learn to accept and understand there are many similarities in spite of first appearances.
The original flagship group met for two Sunday afternoons each month for over three years. We not only learned from each other and had the opportunity to expand greatly as individuals, the group allowed us to understand that we all have unlimited potential to keep growing through our interconnections with each other.
There will be an internet Spiritual Group available later this year. If you are interested, please let me know.