“Many of you have had difficulty with seeing yourselves with Love and kindness.
“This is the answer to how you can change your perspective about yourselves, as well as doing more for yourselves than you have done before.
“Once you have accepted you are here by your own choice, and that you have designed your life to be what you wished to experience in it, you can also accept that you and I are One.
“All of the changes which are taking place in your lives and the planet itself, are made by your choices of how you see yourself, others, and the world you live in.
“What you have a choice in doing about your life is simply to live it as though you are the loving and powerful being that you are.
“When you have given Love to yourself, by inviting experiences which show you that Love is taking care of all the elements your life is needing you to do, you will find yourselves doing more about loving what is, rather than wanting what isn’t a part of your life yet.
“Your life is made up of various experiences for your body, your mind/brain, your heart (including the emotions you allow yourself to have), and your Spirit (that which is the All of you and me without separation).
“What is the answer to having everything you want?
“It is being who you are as Love for you, others and the world you experience there.
“Are your thoughts about what you want to experience as Love, or are they about what you want to experience by indulging yourself?
“Think of what you want to experience as Love for yourself.
“Start with thoughts about what you perceive as Love of self.
“Does this include eating and ingesting foods and beverages which cleanse your body as well as provide energy?
“Do your eat more of the produce of your planets healthy soils, waters, and which are not grown artificially or from polluted soils and chemicals which are not intended to sustain life?
“Consider what you are doing to enhance your body’s functions.
“Each part of your body is dependent upon the various needs you are responsible to supply for that part to effectively perform what you ask of it.
“This does not require you to be perfect in your diet, exercise, use of the various parts.
“It does, however, need your Love to be expressed by choosing how you treat the various parts of your system.
“At times you have felt that you should not ingest something, or that you should limit the quantity of what you are eating.
“This feeling is another safeguard you have designed for your well-being in that human form.
“Ask your body what it needs for maximum effectiveness in living your life.
“Your form will guide you to those fruits, vegetables, and proteins that will provide the energy and flexibility you desire.
“This is the way you can make connections with all of your body’s needs, and I will enable you to become more aware of the voice within you of Love.
“Many of the purposes you are in this world to experience at this time is that of awareness of who you are as my co-creator of life and abundance.
“You were never limited to being in a form without the ability to change your experiences when you have determined you are ready to move beyond the experiences which you are ready to leave behind.
“You are the one who allows you to move beyond the past limitations and this is the way to do so, rather than to feel trapped by the conditions you chose to experience before now.
“Most of your life is spent in your thoughts about where you are, why you are there, what you want to be a part of in difference experiences, as well as who you are and your purpose for choosing to be in that form and your life you are living.
“Making choices are the ways you have to experience thoughts as realities.
“That thought of being limited has held you in a job, a relationship, a belief, even when you know that thought has limited who you see yourself being, you often do not want to experience a different reality by making the change...or changes...necessary to have a different outcome.
“There are conditions which are appearing in your life and the life of those around you which are undesirable for you to feel healthy and successful in your world.
“This is because you have chosen to be here at a time where this world will reflect pain of mankind, and their pain will be lessened or increased by what they choose to do in loving themselves and those who are in this world at this time.
“This means that you have created what you see in your world, and only you can change the pain and suffering by showing Love to all who are part of this world now.
“Consider this your assignment for you to create what you want to experience, rather than what you believe is suffering needed by man to punish themselves for the pain they have caused themselves and others.
“Wants are part of the Love you can show to yourselves.
“Wants have thoughts of experiencing Love in different ways, as well as being full of hope, faith, and trust that change is possible when you want to experience it.”
